Monday, February 14, 2011

"do you want the last one?"

A couple months ago my husband asked me if he could drink some of my sodas (this was after he drank all of his & I still had half a pack left). I told him as long as he leaves the last one for me. He jokingly said
"Michelle always needs the last" And this is so true! But it got me thinking. This is good marital advice!

Men - listen up! (only women are probably reading this - but oh well) always let your wife have the LAST . . .

Last bite. When you're eating dinner. Don't just take the last of everything. She may not want it. But she will appreciate the offer.

Last sip. If you're sharing a drink. Again, offer! It goes a long way.

Last WORD! She may not always be right. But females like to talk!

Last minute of your day. Go to bed together - not at different times. That isn't always easy in this busy world. But try to make it a habit.

After almost 10 years of being married I think my husband has this down. Within the last week he has offered me the last bite of lots of things : ) Way to go Joel!

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