Monday, April 25, 2011

Not So Picture Perfect

Easter Sunday, April 24th. We were dressed to a T. 
My girls were matching, with handmade matching flowers by Princy n Paris
My son had a suit & tie on. My husband had a suit on.
I told my kids that when it was time to take a picture they HAD to smile. It was Easter Sunday I had to get pictures! They pretty much cooperated with me. I had to remind them of our "deal" sometimes. 

I had to go through 3 photographers to finally get a picture that was NOT blurry!!! We got some quite interesting pictures. It my attempt to get the perfect picture there was one that was absolutely hilarious to me! I shared it my mom & sisters....but there is NO WAY I would put it on Facebook.....I mean what would happen when my FB friends saw the truth behind my beautiful pictures!!!! 

As I was reading a blog of Cheyenne Johnson. I realized it's ok to let other people know you're not so perfect.

So here are my secrets.....I edit the pictures I put up....especially the ones of me. If I look too pale, I make it a better color. If my teeth don't look good, I make it black & white. 
If my double chin is showing I crop it out. 

I'm not a perfect mom. {I know, a big shocker! :)} I don't have perfect kids! My 5 year old has started the eye rolling. My 3 year old whines non stop. My house isn't always spotless. I have weight that I don't like. I have features that I can't stand. I sometimes yell at my kids (and apologize later). 
The list could go on & on!

But who likes FAKE people!? :) so here's the 
Behind the Scenes of my Not So Picture Perfect Family

The sun was in Joel's eyes & he kept blinking. I was getting SO aggravated that we had to stop because of him.  Malayna was blinking due to the sun and .... Jayden....I don't know what he was doing!!!


  1. Love it! :D Thanks for sharing...

  2. Awe! This did make me laugh! Thanks for being real Michelle! Despite all that your kiddos & you & Joel for that matter could all be in advertising & whatever you were selling would fly off the shelves. Love this post & love you enormously!

  3. lol! I always edit - that's why I don't have many pictures of me full-body "as is" Disclaimer: the photo I used on FB & my blog a few months ago to show my weight loss was completely unedited.

    You're beautiful! and your kids look like they have personality with a capital P :)

  4. Love it! I only put the nice stuff up too!

  5. Great and very funny post, Michelle! We are all not so picture perfect!

