A couple weeks ago my cousin posted this article
I read it and knew it was just for me.
I am a yeller. I yell at my husband. I yell at my children. I yell at my siblings. I have even yelled at friends. {disclaimer - some of my yelling is one quick line - "get in here and clean this room!!!!"}
After I read the article I knew I had to get control before I missed out on life-changing moments.
There have been times when I have yelled at my kids and they have been scared of me. I asked them why - I don't ever ever hit them when I'm angry. But to them, I was scary.
My 7 year old one time told me she didn't want to "release the angry mommy dragon".
She also has started yelling at her siblings. And said she's "like mommy because she yells when she gets mad". When you see your child pick up on your bad habit it looks a WHOLE lot different.
So I sat my older two down, told them that I needed to change. My 7 year old said I couldn't do it. She didn't think I could go a day without yelling. {read above disclaimer} I told her I had to. And since then, there have been times I have yelled a quick sentence "LOOK WHERE I'M POINTING!" And my 7 year old will remind me not to yell. I'll apologize, and start over.
I admit, since I've quit yelling I say "seriously" a whole lot more to my kids. Like when they aren't looking where I'm pointing when I say "pick this up" .... But - it's not yelling.
I have done really well in the new me. That I'm proud of. And my kids have kept me in check.
So I am enjoying more hugs, making more silly faces and answering more 'why' questions.
Awesome, love this!!