Thursday, March 10, 2011

Craft Bug

this isn't even ALL my ribbon - just the ones on the spool

I have been bitten by the craft bug.....and it's not.....going........away!

I've always been crafty. But here lately that's all I want to do. Maybe is has to do with the fact that the only time I can is when the kids are in bed & when all the house is cleaned. Since that is a very small window I normally don't. So I guess it's just building up inside of me.

So this week I have been trying to do some crafty things. This past weekend I made a chart for my Baby Boot Camp class. We have to track points, attendance...things like that so you can win a prize at the end [side note: I won in February - most improved push-ups & won a spa certificate].
So I volunteered to make a chart & it was FUN!!! :)

So this week I have been working on a surprise for my sister Mandy. And if you remember at the beginning of 2011 I did the "Pay it Forward Challenge." So I figured out what I'm going to make for Tracy & Mary (the other 2 people who commented on my FB post).

So I have been searching for how to blogs (I'll post links later) and I have been spending lots of time crafting (last night 2 hours!) And it has been so rewarding & therapeutic :)

I will definitely post pictures of the items I make.

ummmm......yes I staged these photos & took 20 of them :)


  1. very cool pictures!! I got so happy when I saw my name mentioned in this particular post!! I am very excited to see what you designed!! :)) *cannot WAIT!*

  2. *also: I like your new background
