Friday, March 4, 2011

Pick Your Battles

As a mother of a 5yo, 3yo & 10 month old alot goes on in my household.

I continue to strive to be a better mom. I constantly have to work on my yelling. When we are rushing out the door in the morning and my 3 year old justs sits there after I told him to put his shoes on a gazillion times it is extremely hard not to yell! So there are days I yell. And then there are days when I have it under control :)

Today my 10 month old spilled a half a box of noodles on the kitchen floor. I could have chosen to be exasperated (I don't yell at her of course), but I saw a different side to it. I saw it kept her entertained while I fixed supper. So a floor full of noodles may look like a mess to some - but to me - it was a blessing :)

And then I realized we could use those noodles in school. To make letters & shapes! woo-hoo! not a waste after all.

So whether you're a mom to little ones or not - pick your battles - some things just aren't worth getting stressed out about!

Have a great weekend.

I tried to get a cute little picture of my baby in the noodles but she followed me when I left to get the here is a picture of my older two children when we made Cat in the Hat hats


  1. You're a great Momma, I love you :)

  2. haha this made me smile. Great job at keeping your cool! :)

  3. Hun, compared to my situation you do have it all under control
